
What is benzopyrene?

Benzopyrene is part of the PAH group polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

What is PAH?

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) is a group of more than 100 chemicals.

  • Polycyclic = rings
  • Aromatic = smell & taste
  • Hydrocarbons = rings that consist of only carbon and hydrogen
  • Benzopyrene is the most common PAH

In which products is benzopyrene found?

In virgin (i.e. unrefined) oils. In especially virgin coconut oils, the benzopyrene is measured at 43.7/kg. Any oil with a strong smell or taste contains PAH.

Why is benzopyrene unhealthy?

There is scientific evidence that PAH can cause both cancer and mutations.

How do we remove benzopyrene?

Via the deodorisation process. Laboratory tests have shown that benzopyrene tests at 0.01 g/kg or “not detected” after this process.

What is the deodorisation process?

The deodorisation process is when steam and activated charcoal are used to remove impurities such as PAH from the oil.

What is meant by “cold pressed” or “virgin” oil?

“Cold pressed” is the method through which oil is extracted from olives, nuts or grape seeds without the use of blades, chemicals or heat of over 35˚C. (It is also used in the production of healthy fruit- or vegetable juices.) It guarantees the most natural and healthiest form of the oil. The term “virgin oil” is commonly used to describe such a product.

What is “smoking point”?

The smoking point is the temperature at which oil begins to burn or to give off smoke. Above this temperature the healthy qualities or nutrients of these oils begin to break down.

Why does this oil have such a high smoking point?

Because the impurities were removed during the deodorising process the oil now has a higher smoking point.

Wat is benzopyreen?

Benzopyreen is ’n polisikliese aromatiese koolwaterstof (PAK).

Wat is PAK’s?

Polisikliese aromatiese koolwaterstowwe (PAK’s) is ‘n groep van meer as 100 chemikalieë.

  • Polisiklies = ringe
  • Aromaties = reuk & smaak
  • Koolwaterstowwe = ringe wat slegs uit koolstof en waterstof bestaan
  • Benzo[a]pyreen is die mees algemene PAK

In watter produkte kom benzopyreen voor?

In suiwer (“virgin”) kru-olies. Veral in suiwer klapperolies is die benzopyreen gemeet as 43.7g/kg. Enige olie wat dus ‘n sterk smaak of reuk het, bevat PAK’s.

Waarom is benzopyreen ongesond?

Daar is wetenskaplike bewys dat PAK’s beide kanker en mutasies kan veroorsaak.

Hoe verwyder ons benzopyreen?

Deur middel van die deodorisasie proses. Laboratoriumtoetse het bewys dat benzopyreen ná hierdie proses as 0.01 g/kg of “nie opgespoor nie” toets.

Wat is die deodorisasie proses?

Die deodorisasie proses is waar die olie gewas word d m v stoom asook geaktiveerde koolstof om sodoende onsuiwerhede soos PAK’s te verwyder.

Wat beteken “koudgeparste” of “suiwer” olie?

“Koud gepars” (“cold pressed”) is die metode waarmee olie uit olywe, neute of druiwepitte verkry word sonder die gebruik van lemme, chemikalieë of hitte hoër as 35˚C. (Dit word ook gebruik vir die produksie van gesonde vrugte- of groentesappe.) Dit waarborg die mees natuurlike en gesonde vorm van die olie. Die term suiwer (“virgin”) olie word algemeen gebruik om só ’n produk te beskryf.

Wat is rookpunt?

Dit rookpunt is die temperatuur waartydens ’n olie begin brand of sigbaar begin rook. Bokant hierdie temperatuur word die gesonde kwaliteite of voedingstowwe van hierdie olies afgebreek.

Hoekom is hierdie olie se rookpunt so hoog?

Omrede die onsuiwerhede verwyder is tydens die deodorisasie proses het die olie nou ‘n hoër rookpunt.

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